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Change today happens rapidly. No longer are there short periods of change, followed by long plateaus of stability. Most of our lives today are a continual, unrelenting series of changes, with little time for self-renewal. Keeping energized, optimistic and inspired in the face of change demands specific skills. You need to learn how to respond quickly and flexibly to new demands. These skills are called change resiliency.

Score each item according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.

The Scale: 5(always), 4(often), 3(sometimes), 2 (rarely), 1(never)

  always never
I focus on things I can do something about.

I seek out the support of people.

I have discovered a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
I engage in optimistic Self Talk.
I live in the present appreciating the past and focused on my desired future.
I am imaginative and brainstorm possibilities.
I leverage personal strengths and resources.
I have a deep awareness and compassion for others.
I actively listen and seek to understand.
I partner with others for mutual success.
I ask questions because I am curious to know how things work, and am open to experiment.
I am constantly learning from my experiences.
I expect to have things work out well for myself and others.
I play with new developments and find the humor in situations.
I adapt quickly to change, and am highly flexible.
I am emotionally intelligent managing my emotions well.
I listen well and read others with empathy.
I think up creative solutions to challenges, and invent ways to solve difficult problems.
I manage the emotional side of transition.
I convert misfortune into good fortune.


You are doing a great job staying resilient in times of unrelenting change. Congratulations! Executive coaching may help you achieve even higher levels of performance.


You are somewhat change hardy. However, there is still room for improvement. You may benefit from taking a Realizing the Potential of Change workshop. Consider executive coaching to help you further develop your personal change management skills.


Your change resiliency skills need some considerable attention. You need to change certain behaviors and learn new skills. It is strongly advised that you sign up for a Realizing the Potential of Change workshop. Strongly consider Executive Coaching.

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Hopefully, you feel this quiz provided you with insight on how you are (or are not) managing change.