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A Law Firm Retreat Creates a Vision, Mission, and Values Statement

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot, Four Quarters


The Firm had a number of clients and was expanding into new locations. The Partners wanted to focus on their core legal competencies and business development. In addition, they wanted help with psychological testing for employment screening of new attorneys whose values were aligned with the Firm's culture. A Retreat in a beautiful Redwoods setting provided the perfect environment for collaboratively creating a strategy.


As a Trusted Advisor, Dr, Brusman collaborated with the senior Partners on creating a vision, mission, and values statement that provided focus for the business strategy. A cross-section of the Law Firm employees participated in crafting the mission and vision.


The Partners gained clarity on the goal of creating a unique Firm identity. Energy was mobilized to develop new business aligned with the purpose and values of The Firm. A marketing strategy was devised and implemented maximizing the different strengths of the Partners. New attorneys were hired who had the requisite legal skills, and who fit the Firm culture.


The Retreat was held at a beautiful health resort and spa. It provided the perfect environment to craft a vision, mission and values statement. Hiking among the Redwoods reinforced the Firm's commitment to employees' health and work/life balance.

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