A CEO Develops the Qualities of Good Leadership
The CEO of a recognized brand in the Retail Industry was referred
by the Human Resources Manager. The leader of the company was described
as brilliant, but very narcissistic. She was perceived as arrogant
and condescending to several key direct reports including the CFO.
She was frequently late to meetings and perceived as disorganized.
The Board of Directors was seriously concerned about her behavior
and was seriously considering firing her.
A six month assessment-based one-on-one Executive Coaching Program
was initiated. The company leader was given several leadership assessments
that measure emotional intelligence competency. An extensive interview
revealed a number of leadership style characteristics that was causing
a great deal of interpersonal difficulty. Dr. Brusman provided a
comprehensive Leadership Report that helped the CEO understand her
preferences, attitudes, and behaviors in key dimensions of leadership.
The Leadership Report helped focus the coaching meetings on her
strengths, areas for further development, goals and action learning.
After several months of successful coaching and the development
of a trusting relationship, a 360 feedback performance appraisal
was conducted.
The CEO learned the qualities of good leadership and a more flexible
leadership style. She developed more self awareness and empathy
for her people. Self-management and organizational capability improved.
Collaborating with her people, she developed a compelling vision
for the company. She was retained by the Board and developed vastly
improved interpersonal and time management skills. Dr. Brusman served
as a Trusted Advisor to the Senior Leadership Team.
Effective leaders are capable of managing
time and emotions. The CEO was able to learn the requisite emotional
intelligence competencies to truly become an inspirational leader.
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