A Career Coaching Client Creates Work with Purpose
and Passion
The client was referred by his supervisor at work. Several employees
had quit and gone to work for the company's competitor. At the exit
interview they indicated that my new client was the chief reason
for their leaving. They each related a story that described their
former manager as being critical and demanding.
At our first career session the client appeared to be, fatigued,
de-moralized, dispirited, sleep-deprived, and burned out.
The client related how the company had
been through three mergers, and a recent reengineering. There
was the imminent possibility of another downsizing. He as well
as the other “survivors” felt
overloaded with work.
The strategy was to help the client get in touch with his emotions,
and discover ways to regain a sense of control. The client took
several career instrumented assessments and wrote a persona autobiography.
We worked on the client learning how to delegate and collaborate
with others as a way of regaining personal power. Considering the
work overload it was important to prioritize work based on what
was truly important. We worked on the client changing his way of
thinking about change, and to focus his energy on the future. Most
importantly we focused on the client discovering a sense of purpose...what
was truly important to him.
The client discovered that his real childhood love was art. And
that he had gotten into banking in his 20's as a way of making a
living when he first moved to the San Francisco Bay Area.
The client told me he was taking a vacation and going to Hawaii
to surf! I was surprised that he was passionate about surfing as
it seemed out of character. Upon his return, he told me how he had
come upon the idea of starting a business designing surfboards!
What wonderful synergy of taking action, tapping into his essence
-the love of art and creating a business of his own.
The client continued to work for the company, but with a new sense
of commitment. He had learned essential emotional intelligence skills,
and developed vastly improved relationships with his direct reports.
He continued to work on his decorating surfboards business with
the goal to transition into his own business in the next year.
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