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Resilience - The Ability to Bounce Back
"And thus, like the wounded oyster, he mends his shell with
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
All of us experience major disruptions at certain points in our
lives. In fact, this is an expected and predictable hallmark of
the human condition. For some, these hard times come frequently
- the impact of the trauma is overwhelming and recovery, if it
comes at all, can be painfully slow. Others show resilience and
are able to glide through these times fairly easily, bouncing back
to a normal life again quickly. Resilience - the strength required
to adapt to change - lies at the heart of mental and emotional
Research studies in recent years have focused on the struggles
faced by those who have been emotionally, sexually, and physically
abused as children, as well as those who have grown up with learning
disabilities and attention deficit disorders. They share in common
many of the characteristics of those who have endured traumas later
in life, such as war, the loss of a loved one, natural disasters,
financial catastrophes, or a major illness. What has been most
interesting in these studies is the finding that some traumatized
people - both those with childhood abuse and other challenges as
well as those who experienced life disruptions in adulthood - suffer
virtually no ill effects from the trauma. In fact, in many cases
they seem to have grown stronger and led more integrated lives.
This unexpected finding has guided researchers to explore the nature
of resilience.
The normal life cycle contains predictable periods of life disruption.
For example, when we move from childhood to adolescence, everything
we had previously known about the world goes through a jarring
transformation. During this period of life disorganization, our
bodies go through tremendous hormonal and developmental changes,
our definitions of other people change, our motives and interests
change, we learn how to define ourselves as individuals with autonomy,
and we expand our range of social relationships. Similar stages
of disruption occur when the adolescent moves into young adulthood,
and then into a permanent relationship, possible parenting, middle
age, and then retirement and aging. These periods of transformation
can induce potent emotional reactions such as depression, anxiety,
loneliness, and anger. Those who lack resilience find these changes
to be a struggle. Others welcome the changes and move through the
transformations easily and naturally.
Other periods of disruption can be
caused by unexpected events that turn life upside down. An
automobile accident, an illness, the death of a loved one, divorce,
national tragedies, acts of terrorism, war, natural disasters
such as floods or hurricanes, the loss of employment, and financial
upheavals can challenge our ability to cope. Any of these can
become "make or break" situations,
depending on the degree to which resilience comes into play.
Frederic Flach, MD, has suggested that we all have the capacity
to reorganize our lives after a disruption and to achieve new levels
of order and meaningfulness if we know how to activate our resilience.
In fact, he suggests that in order to mature through the process
of meaningful change and reintegration, we need to experience life
disruptions. In other words, life disruptions are not necessarily
a bad thing because they help us to grow and to meet future challenges
in our lives. During the depths of chaos we are vulnerable because
we do not know what lies ahead - but as we learn and adapt during
the chaos, we prepare ourselves to meet further stresses in the
future. He says that failure to pass successfully through any cycle
of chaos and stress will leave us crippled with regard to future
life disruptions.
All of us can learn methods to become more
resilient. Sometimes, however, our lack of closure on previous
life experiences blocks us from adapting to new periods of stress
as they come along. A woman, abused emotionally by her father in
childhood, for example, may have great difficulty in accepting
his death if she still carries unresolved conflicts surrounding
the early abuse. By working with a professional psychotherapist
or counselor, she may be able to achieve some closure on the abuse
from her childhood and this would open the way for her to accept
his death more readily - that is, with resilience. Similarly, a
man who was exposed to physical violence in childhood may find
it difficult, because of his unresolved issues with anger and victimization,
to accept a national trauma such as a terrorist act. He may continue
to dwell on issues of anger and injustice for months after the
event, to the detriment of his job and family life. Again, working
with a trained professional can be the route for this person to
gain closure on his unresolved issues and to work toward a more
integrated approach regarding acts of violence in the future.
A Sense of Hope and Trust in the World
Those who are resilient seem to believe in the basic goodness
of the world and trust that things will turn out all right in the
end. This positive attitude allows them to weather times when everything
seems bleak and to look for and accept the support that is out
there. This approach toward the world gives them the ability to
hope for a better future.
The Ability to Tolerate Pain and Distressing Emotions
Some people can deal with pain better than others, and this may
have a biological component. For example, some can deal with the
dentist without any difficulty, while others dread having a tooth
drilled. The same holds true with emotional pain. Some people can
tolerate anxiety and others become incapacitated in the face of
stress. It is encouraging to know that, with the help of a professional
therapist and some practice, one can learn to deal better with
emotional pain. Biology is not necessarily destiny. (See the back
page for information on how to cope with emotional pain.)
Interpreting Experiences in a New Light
Sometimes we look at situations in
a way that keep us stuck in a negative thinking pattern. Those
who are resilient have the ability to look at the situation in
a new way (this is called "reframing")
that can minimize the impact of the trauma in their thought process.
One benefit of working with a therapist during a life disruption
is that new and more objective definitions of the traumatic situation
can be developed and this opens the way to handle the crisis more
successfully. Resilient people take a creative approach toward
solving a problem, reinterpreting old definitions in new ways.
A Meaningful System of Support
One of the best ways to endure a crisis is to have the support
of another person who can listen and validate our feelings. Knowing
that others care and will come to our support lessens the feeling
of isolation, especially when tackling the problem alone. It is
important to be selective in choosing people to trust, and no one
person can be expected to be the perfect means of support. Often
it takes several friends, each of whom can provide different kinds
of support. Resilient people are proficient in making friends and
keeping them. They have the judgment to know who their friends
should be - as well as the ability to give and take in their interactions
with others.
A Sense of Mastery and Control over One's Destiny
Resilient people seem to have a feeling of independence and a
sense of their own life in perspective. They do not feel that they
are at the mercy of forces that aim to crush them. When they see
a problem, they tackle it - because ultimately they know that their
survival and the integrity of their life values depend on it. They
have a sense of personal responsibility and the self-discipline
it takes to accomplish their goals. While they have a sense of
their own independence, they also have the freedom to depend on
others, setting appropriate limits on their dependency.
A Good Self-Image and Self-Respect
People who show resilience generally have been treated with appreciation,
care and love from early childhood on. They have learned to see
themselves in a positive light and to see themselves as people
who deserve to be treated with respect by others. When a life disruption
creates an assault to their self-image, they are able to restore
their feelings of self-esteem quickly. Without a positive sense
of self, some people find themselves stuck in a crisis, often secretly
feeling that they deserve the negative experience which has transpired
in their lives. Fortunately, positive self-esteem can be learned
in therapy.
Self-Reflection and Insight
Resilient people have a capacity for learning. They are able to
talk about their lives, their experiences, their thoughts and feelings.
They can provide a coherent autobiographical account of who they
are. They have the ability to develop an objective explanation
of their strengths and weaknesses. One of the goals of therapy
with a trained professional is to provide the person with the ability
to reflect on their lives and, from this self-reflection, to develop
insight into their current life circumstances. Rather than feeling
defensive about their life circumstances, they are open to new
ideas and are flexible enough to try new tactics for dealing with
problems. Resilient people are able to learn from their mistakes,
and they do not punish themselves because they have made them.
A Wide Range of Interests and a Sense of Humor
People who show resilience in the face of adversity are those
who have a diversity of interests in their lives. They are open
to new experiences and ideas. Because their lives are rich, they
can draw on a variety of experiences when their lives are disrupted
- a hobby, a different group of friends, a talent. They can find
relief from the single-mindedness and worry which often accompanies
a period of crisis. Finally, they can laugh. Humor has both psychological
and physical benefits in relieving the stress of trauma because
it encourages a swift change in our perception of our circumstances
- and when our thoughts change, our mood follows.
Recommended Reading
Flach, F. (1997). Resilience - The Power to Bounce Back When the
Going Gets Tough! New York , NY : Hatherleigh Press.
Dealing with Emotional Pain
Frederic Flach, MD, suggests that when a person undergoes a life
disruption, it is usually not advisable to take medication that
will alleviate the pain immediately. When pain is alleviated with
medication, the person's motivation to make changes is reduced.
And there is a great deal to learn from the process of managing
emotional pain. (Of course, there are times when medication becomes
necessary, especially with suicidal thinking which may accompany
a major depression.) When you undergo a major life crisis, you
need time to gain insight into what has gone wrong and achieve
integration again. Emotional pain, while unpleasant, serves its
purpose, just as physical pain does in alerting us to something
that is going wrong in our bodies. It prompts us to take action.
Similarly, drugs and alcohol may help to alleviate emotional pain
- but then the opportunity to learn our life lessons vanishes.
Deadening pain chemically may allow old patterns of behavior to
continue - in which case, paradoxically, the pain you are trying
to escape will persist into the future. Pain spurs us to learn
new ways of coping.
Flach says that there are three tactics that people in crisis
can use to get through the crushing periods of pain that accompany
a life disruption. These methods do not end the pain, which has
value, but they allow us some relief for a time.
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he suggests diversion. Sometimes we need to remove ourselves
physically or mentally from our emotional pain for a while.
We can take a weekend trip, read a book, watch an engrossing
movie, talk to a friend, take a walk or get some other
physical exercise. He suggests that diversion allows us
time to heal or sufficient distance from a problem that
we can come back to again and perhaps see in a new light. |
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second tactic for dealing with emotional pain is to stay
in control over those aspects of your life that you still
have some ability to control. A major life disruption can
leave you with the feeling that you have no control over
events. However, you can use self-discipline to clean your
residence, bathe, feed the dog, water your plants, and
pay your bills. Stay in control of those things that you
can control, and let those things which are uncontrollable
run their course. |
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find someone who can show you empathy. There
is no better way to relieve emotional pain than to talk
to a trusted friend or therapist who can say with conviction, "Yes,
I understand - and I care." |
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Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
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