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Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety
Ask people what they fear the most
and many of them will say, "speaking
in public." In surveys which ask people about their fears,
about one person in five reports an extreme fear of public speaking.
Shyness and other forms of social anxiety are common - and they
prevent people from fully experiencing life.
Shyness refers to a tendency to withdraw
from people, particularly people who are unfamiliar. Everyone has
some degree of shyness. In fact a person without any shyness at
all is probably one who does not make good judgments about maintaining
appropriate boundaries between people. A bit of shyness is a good
thing. But when a high level of shyness prevents a person from
engaging in normal social interactions, from functioning well at
work, or from developing intimate relationships, it presents a
problem - which, fortunately, can be alleviated.
Shyness is one form of the broader term,
social anxiety. This concept, also known as social phobia, refers
to a special kind of anxiety that people feel when they are around
other people. It is associated with concerns about being scrutinized.
Shyness and social anxiety are closely related, but social anxiety
includes other situations such as speaking in public, taking tests,
sports performance, and dating. Closely related to the concepts
of shyness and social anxiety are embarrassment and shame. Embarrassment
is what a person feels when something unexpected happens and draws
unwanted attention (such as knocking over a glass of water in a
restaurant). This creates a temporary feeling of discomfort. Shame,
on the other hand, is more long-lasting. Shame is a feeling that
comes from being disappointed in oneself.
Who are the people most likely to suffer from social anxiety?
Parents recognize that some children are easily frightened from
birth on and cry a great deal, while others seem more resilient
by temperament (they seldom cry, hardly ever get upset, and are
less easily frightened). Some children love to explore the world
around them, and others are cautious and don = t tolerate change
well. Children who are inhibited are more likely to have a parent
with social anxiety disorder. An anxious person is more likely
to have a parent or sibling who suffers from depression. Many people
with social anxiety disorder report having one or both parents
who have a substance abuse problem such as drinking or come from
a family in which:
1. there is substantial conflict between the adults,
2. parents are overly critical of the children (where things are
never good enough), and
3. there is excessive concern about what other people think.
National surveys find that about five percent of children and
adolescents suffer from a social anxiety disorder. Children with
an anxiety problem seldom report that they are feeling anxious.
Instead, they report the presence of physical symptoms, which include:
headaches, stomach aches, nausea, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, blushing,
dizziness, and shortness of breath. They try to avoid the following
situations: speaking in class, taking tests, reading aloud, writing
on the board, inviting friends over to play, eating in front of
others, going to parties, and playing sports. Children and adolescents
with social anxiety disorder may go on to develop related problems,
such as loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem. Although some
children will overcome their shyness in time, as interactions with
others cause their fears to dissipate, others will experience a
worsening of symptoms. If a child shows symptoms by the age of
six that have not improved by the age of ten, it is probably time
to seek a professional intervention.
Defeating Social Anxiety
There are three stages that people experience in overcoming problems
with social anxiety:
1. Identify the patterns of anxiety
2. Change the thinking that accompanies anxiety-provoking situations
3. Change the anxious behavior
Identifying the Patterns of Anxiety
People often see the distressful symptoms
of social anxiety as their enemy, so they try to avoid thinking
about it. In order to overcome social anxiety, however, it is necessary
to A embrace @ the anxiety. That is, sufferers need to identify
the features of their anxiety and acknowledge these characteristics
as their own. When people fully understand a problem, they are
better able to cope with it. Shutting out the problem, on the other
hand, keeps it in the dark where it is difficult to work with.
People often become aware of anxiety by identifying
their physical reactions, which include a racing heartbeat, flushing,
upset stomach, excessive perspiration, dizziness, poor concentration,
and shaky hands. It is important to understand whether these physical
reactions take place before (anticipatory anxiety), during, or
after the anxiety-provoking situation.
Some people cope with anxiety by engaging
in avoidance behavior. This happens when the person tries to stay
away from situations that arouse anxiety. This is helpful in some
circumstances, such as avoiding driving during rush hour. However,
when the person starts to avoid business meetings, taking classes,
and socializing with friends because of anxiety, the impact on
one's lifestyle can be constricting. A related symptom of anxiety
is escape behavior , which involves leaving a situation that arouses
anxiety. This can include running out of a class when the time
to speak is near, leaving a party shortly after arriving, or exiting
the airplane before it departs.
A helpful exercise, after examining one's physical reactions and
other behaviors associated with anxiety, is to set goals which
would be achievable if the anxiety were not present. These goals
should be specific. For example: 1.) Enroll in a music class next
month, 2.) Make a date with Bonnie for lunch next Thursday, 3.)
Make a presentation at the next business meeting. Establishing
these goals increases ones' awareness of what life could be like
if the anxiety were conquered - and it serves as a motivator for
coming to terms with anxiety. If the goals are actually achieved,
the stage is set for practicing some behaviors that directly address
symptoms of anxiety.
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anxiety sufferer is acutely aware of physical symptoms,
much more so than other people are. There are a number
of tactics one can use to influence these symptoms: |
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the symptoms - when a person fights against the symptoms,
anxiety actually increases. A better strategy is simply
to accept the symptoms. Don't fight them. Just let them
pass. |
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one's focus - Shift your attention to the external environment
rather than focusing on the symptoms. |
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the symptoms - This provides a temporary way of getting
through an anxiety-provoking situation until the symptoms
come under better control. For example, wear a sweater
to hide underarm perspiration. |
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relaxation techniques - A therapist can provide a number
of ways to get one = s body to relax, including deep muscle
relaxation and deep breathing. Practicing these techniques
everyday, and not just prior to an anxiety situation, is
a powerful way to regulate symptoms that now seem out of
control. |
Changing the Thoughts Which Accompany Anxiety
Those who suffer from social anxiety engage
in excessive self-focus. Their thoughts focus internally on themselves
rather than on the external world around them - and this only serves
to increase anxiety levels. Furthermore, excessive focus on the
internal symptoms means that one loses important information about
what is going on externally, and it may give others the impression
that the anxiety sufferer is trying to be distant from them.
The following process provides a way to modify excessive self-focus
and replace it with a healthier, other-directed approach
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feeling anxious, remind yourself to focus on others. |
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about the other person, what this person is trying to say,
how the other person feels, etc. |
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your attention moves back to your anxiety, try not to feel
that you are failing. Just let it pass and refocus on the
other person. |
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to avoid planning your responses to the other person. Allow
yourself to have some spontaneous reactions to others. |
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not to engage in mind-reading - that is, trying to figure
out what other people are thinking about you. They are
probably much more interested in themselves. |
Socially anxious people also engage
in negative thinking, especially about themselves. They
emphasize their weaknesses and minimize their strengths. Virtually
any negative thought can be changed into a positive. For example, "I am a failure because of my
anxiety" can be changed into "I am facing a life challenge
to show how strong I can be as I overcome my anxiety."
The first step in overcoming negative
thoughts is to be aware of them. It
helps to have a trusted friend or therapist give you feedback
about negative thinking patterns. Then ask yourself how realistic
the negative thought might be. For example, "If
my hands shake during my presentation, everybody is going to laugh
at me." Have you ever been in an audience where everybody
laughed at a person whose hands were shaking? Not likely. In fact,
people tend to support a person having a hard time and they may
be drawn to your vulnerable and very human nature. Now ask yourself,
what evidence do you have for your negative thought? Can the situation
be looked at in a different way?
Change the Anxious Behavior
The single most important strategy for overcoming social anxiety
is to face your fear. Get back on the horse again. Take the car
out for a drive once more. Go swimming again. Get back on an airplane.
Give another speech before an audience. Go to another dinner party.
Ask somebody else to go out on a date. Managing your physical symptoms
and changing your thinking do little good unless you come to terms
with your fears by getting back into anxiety-provoking situations.
Doing this takes courage. Avoiding it perpetuates the problem.
When you put yourself back into the anxious situation, realize
that there are coping mechanisms that you may not have had before.
You know that you can change your negative thinking and you can
manage your physical symptoms. And facing the anxious situations
can be done gently, one step at a time.
First, develop some practice assignments that directly challenge
your fears. Make sure they are relevant to the anxiety. Make the
assignments increasingly more difficult. And make sure that you
can repeat them for practice. For example, if you fear public speaking,
start out with making conversation with one person. Then move on
to talking to a group of two or three people. Then talk to five
people in an informal group. Move on to asking a question in a
formal business meeting. Then talk at more length in the business
meeting. And finally, after you have repeated all of these steps
several times, find a way to speak in public to a large group.
You = ll be ready B and it takes courage, each step of the way.
Develop Your Conversational Skills
Anyone can master the art of having good conversations with others.
Those who are shy or socially anxious may see this as an unattainable
goal, but with enough practice, and using the right techniques,
it can enhance the quality of social life.
The first skill to acquire is making eye
contact. Shy people may avoid eye
contact at all costs, but this perpetuates self-focus and anxiety.
When you are listening to someone else, maintain steady eye contact
with that person. If you are doing the talking, vary your eye contact
- that is, have eye contact about half the time, and then look
away for a few seconds. (Note, however, that different cultures
have different rules for eye contact.) Also understand the value
of smiling, which is a nonverbal
cue that you are approachable and interested in talking to the
other person.
Learn the value of good listening. The other half of conversation,
and it is perhaps as important as talking, is playing the role
of listener. Allow other people to complete their thoughts. Encourage
the other person to talk by maintaining good eye contact, using
gestures such nodding your head in agreement, and making supportive
comments or asking brief questions.
People who are shy frequently say that they cannot go up to another
person to start a conversation. This represents avoidance. Start
out by initiating as many brief interactions throughout the day
as possible. Smile and say hello when you pass someone. Tell the
postal worker or grocery checkout person to have a good day. Make
a comment in the elevator, such as, Isn't this perhaps the slowest
elevator in the world? Before long, making the initial contact
will seem easy.
Finally, learn the value of small talk. Many
shy people say that they don't want to waste their time on trivial
talk or they also say they don't know what to talk to other people
about. It is important to understand, however, that people need
the small talk before moving onto heavier topics. Small talk can
comprise anything from commenting on the weather to griping about
the price of housing. In order to avoid conflict, however, it is
best to dodge talking about religion or politics at least initially.
Resources is a Leadership Consulting, Training and Executive Coaching
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Intelligent People; Emotional Intelligence-Based Interviewing and
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Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
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