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Just Do It! Confronting Procrastination and Getting
Things Done
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
- The Earl of Chesterfield
December 26, 1749
Everyone has been afflicted by procrastination at one time or
another, that nagging menace that compels us to put things off
for another day, another time. For some people this is a persistent
problem, and for others it appears in only some areas of their
lives. The result, though, is the same for everyone: increased
anxiety, wasted time, poor performance, missed opportunities, guilt,
excusing ourselves and avoiding people who depend on us. There
are better ways of dealing with the demands of living. Procrastination
is not a trivial problem - it causes suffering for many people.
Who is likely to procrastinate? There
is no research evidence that gender and intelligence have anything
to do with a tendency to procrastinate. Age may have something
to do with it. A recent study has found that procrastination
peaks in the middle to late twenties, decreases for the next
forty years and then increases again in the sixties. Other research
has found that people who feel overwhelmed and cannot calm down
readily tend to put things off. Similarly, there is a relationship
between anxiety and procrastination. It is no surprise that people
who fear failure have the problem, as well as people with low
self-esteem. People with a poor tolerance for frustration or
difficulty delaying gratification, of course, find it difficult
to stick with a task until it is completed, and the same holds
true for those who cannot concentrate for long. Those who have
conflicts with authority figures and are rebellious have been
shown to have procrastination proclivities. People with depression,
who may have low energy and hold negative thoughts about their
ability to get things done, frequently have problems with procrastination.
And then there is the perfectionist. Those perfectionists who
set their own standards seem to have no problem with "sloth," but
those who have adopted the standards set by others do have trouble
completing their work. This is because they are sensitive to
the evaluations they might receive from others - they want to
avoid social disapproval.
Making up Excuses
We procrastinate:
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the dishes don't get done and the bed doesn't get made; |
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that term paper is due tomorrow morning and we're sitting
in front of the TV; |
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we talk about superficial things with our partner rather
than confronting some pressing issues that really need
to be addressed; or |
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we play solitaire on the computer rather than getting the
report done that has to be in at 5:00. |
Clearly, we are not accomplishing those things that need to be
done, and to confront the underlying reasons for our procrastination
may be either uncomfortable or beyond us. So what do we tell ourselves
to justify our behavior? We may use any of a number of excuses
- and here are some common ones:
Getting Bogged Down in Trivia:
We spend our time on tasks which are easy to do and say that we
are so busy that we cannot get to the major project. We might answer
our phone calls, write a letter, clean the living room, have lunch
- anything that we find simple and are emotionally prepared to
do - rather than getting to the task that we really have to do.
We tell ourselves that we simply had to do these things before
tackling our project and there was no time left. We get satisfaction
from busying ourselves and alleviate our guilt somewhat, but the
major task is never finished.
Putting the Blame Elsewhere:
It is easy to externalize blame. "If
only I had gotten that promotion, then I would be more involved
in my job." "If
only my husband would take out the garbage, I would have time to
do the things I need to do." "If I had a faster computer
I would find more enjoyment in sitting down to write the report." The
problem here is that we selectively focus on one reason and ignore
the reality of the total situation. The simple truth is that we
have a project to do and we have to take into account everything
that helps and impedes us, and then move on from there. Things
are seldom perfect in anything we do.
Letting Emotions Interfere With Productivity:
Writing a report might bring up feelings of anxiety - after all,
we have to think of the right words, organize it logically, and
look up relevant information. We might feel overwhelmed because
of our past experiences with writing reports. Or a man might feel
angry that the lawn has to be mowed, especially when his partner
keeps harping on him to get it done (in which case the anger is
based in being told what to do, not the grass!). We need to separate
our emotions from the task itself. In fact, working at the task
gives us a good opportunity to see what our emotions are and to
confront them honestly. This then allows us see where the feelings
came from so that we can resolve them. Avoiding painful feelings
lets them linger on into the future, but confronting them, especially
with the help of a supportive and insightful therapist can lead
to emotional liberation.
Setting Up Roadblocks:
"I'll diet after the holidays." "I'll wait until
I'm in the mood to call my old friend." "I'll buy new
clothes when I make new friends." Although there may be some
logic to all of these strategies, they exemplify a major cause
of procrastination. We set up artificial barriers which may have
little do with actually completing the task at hand. When we construct
limitations on our ability to work, it makes the completion of
the task all the more difficult.
Being Perfect...or Nothing at All:
Our society places great emphasis on
doing the best job every time. When
we try to please other people, rather than ourselves, we run
the risk of rejection and failure. Perfectionism has its place.
After all, it can help motivate us to get started and to do the
best job we can. But taken to the extreme, perfectionism can
also inhibit our efforts completely. "If I can't do the
best job possible, I'll do nothing at all...or at least not until
I absolutely have to." Coming to terms with perfectionism
tendencies can be a challenging but healthy process. We can examine
why we need to please others rather than ourselves, the degree
to which this pattern intrudes on various aspects of our lives,
and the extent to which it helps us...and hinders us.
Procrastination is a serious problem for
many people. It can undermine our sense of well being and prevent
us from experiencing the full potential of our lives. A portion
of our time is spent pleasurably and a portion is spent on tasks
we may not particularly enjoy. Such is the nature of life. To avoid
the discomfort is, unfortunately, to compromise the pleasurable.
The person who is emotionally healthy is one who is familiar with
and can tolerate the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the light
and the dark. Living completely entails embracing our responsibilities,
relishing our pleasures, and appreciating our time.
"Procrastination is the thief of time."
- Edward Young
Fourteen Tips for Overcoming Procrastination
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your "shoulds." And
this applies to "oughts," "musts," and "have
to's." When we feel obligated to someone else we may feel
inhibited. Change these statements to "wants," and
then you assume responsibility yourself for doing a task. Rather
than saying, "I should call my son's teacher," change
it to: "I want to call my son's teacher." |
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at your excuses rationally. In
fact, make up a list of the excuses you use which prevent you
from getting a job done. Then examine each excuse and beside
it write out a more realistic thought. For example, "I'm not in the mood" can be
reinterpreted to "Mood doesn't get the job done." |
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self-motivating statements. How
we define a task can alter our motivation for completing it.
Many people repeat phrases to themselves, or even tack notes
in visible places, which serve to spur them on. Try out phrases
like: "The sooner
I'm done, the sooner I'm free," or "There's no time
like the present." |
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up a To Do List. Write out a list of things you need to do
this week (or day...or month) and then cross them off, one
by one, when they are done. With this list you can see exactly
what needs to be accomplished, and you can get a great sense
of fulfillment as the list gets whittled down. |
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priorities. On your To Do list, rank the jobs that need to
be done in order of their importance. Then just focus on one
job at a time. |
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the task down into smaller pieces. This is one of the most
important ways to combat procrastination. Write down all the
steps involved in your project and see each step as a manageable
job that can get done with little effort. Even if we dislike
some duties, we can handle them if they last only for a short
time. |
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at time. We sometimes have a poor conception of how much time
it takes to complete a task. Rather than panicking at the thought
that you only have a week to get that profit and loss statement
together, break the parts of the task down into real time.
You may find that this is only a three-hour job. |
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a stand. Write yourself a contract to complete a job and sign
it. Or tell a supportive friend that you plan to finish a job
by a certain date. Make your project a public endeavor rather
than keeping it to yourself. It helps to gain the support of
others when you feel stymied. |
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Make sure you have a clean work area and all of your materials
in front of you. Eliminate distractions like the TV blaring
in the background if you need to concentrate. Warn others that
you will be unavailable (or unbearable) during a certain time. |
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your stress. There are a number of techniques one can use to
deal with anxiety: deep breathing, progressive relaxation,
visualization, physical exercise, relaxation tapes, humor and
music. These techniques can be learned in therapy. |
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get started. You don't have to wait until you feel inspired
to write that speech. Just write whatever comes to mind, and
you can revise it later. A journey begins with one small step. |
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yourself when you accomplish a small goal. Rather than procrastinating
a whole afternoon by calling friends, call a friend only when
you have written a page of the report as a way of rewarding
yourself. |
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at all you have accomplished. Rather than punishing yourself
for not having done enough, take the more positive approach
of examining all that you have done. Is the glass half empty
or half full? |
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the completion of your task. Have a specific reward in mind
for when your project is finished. Go out for dinner. Go to
a movie. Take a weekend trip. Have a party. The celebration
should be equal to your task. |
Can I Really Change an Old Habit Like Procrastination?
Procrastination is such an ingrained pattern that it may seem
impossible to change it. While the tips presented on the previous
page are effective for many, it may help to see procrastination
as a symptom of underlying personality issues. For example, negative
self-image often plays a role in our tendency to put off accomplishing
tasks. Sometimes we postpone our duties because we lack self-confidence
or we feel that we might be rejected by others if we don't turn
in a perfect job. Sometimes procrastination is a symptom of depression.
Our reasons for procrastinating are as varied as people are different.
Therapy is the best way to explore these deeper issues in a supportive,
trustworthy and professional setting.
Yes, an old
habit like procrastination can be changed . You
have to use the techniques that work for you and remember that
it is not a simple all-or-nothing "cure." Look
on behavior change as a process composed of many steps. You may
have success in dealing with some components of the problem only
to find later that you are resistant to making more changes.
Then, in therapy, you look into your resistance to see why moving
on is difficult at a particular stage. And don't forget that
most people relapse. Research has found that only about 20 percent
of all people make complete changes on their first try. Most
people have setbacks during the change process. Expect this to
happen and look on it as something positive - after all, you
can learn from your setbacks. To relapse does not mean that you
have to start all over again.
You can change uncomfortable patterns of
behavior, and procrastination, fortunately, is one of those habits
most amenable to change. But don't put it off - just do it!
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S.M. (1995 ). Living Without Procrastination: How To Stop
Postponing Your Life . Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. |
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W.J. (1998). Do It Now! Break the Procrastination Habit
. New York, NY: John Wiley. |
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L. & Maguire, J. (1997 ). It's About Time! The Six
Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them . New
York, NY: Penguin. |
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N.A. (1989). The Now Habit : A Strategic Program for Overcoming
Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play . Los Angeles,
CA: Jeremy Tarcher. |
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B.W. (1997). Overcoming Doubt, Fear and Procrastination:
Identifying the Symptoms, Overcoming the Obstacles . New
York, NY: Harper Collins. |
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Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
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