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Dealing with Difficult People
Some people are easy to be around and some
are not. All of us seem to have at least a few difficult people
in our lives. Difficult people can range from those who are a mild
annoyance to those who can make life seem nearly intolerable at
times. Those at this negative end of the continuum, especially
if we have contact with them on a daily basis, can jeopardize our
mental and emotional wellness over time - particularly if we lack
the tools for responding to them in an adaptive way.
There is no
single, easily described category of difficult people. A
person who presents difficulty for one person may not be at all
difficult for someone else. We all know friends who get along
well with our “enemies” and
we may not understand how this can be. Indeed, we may feel betrayed
by our friends who are able to tolerate someone who makes us
feel uncomfortable. Our perception of who is difficult may reflect
more about ourselves - our own needs and tolerances - than about
the other person. Dealing with those we find difficult can present
a personal challenge which invites us to look within and to develop
more positive coping responses.
What contributes
to smooth interactions between people? When
we come into contact with another person, we engage in a process
known as role-taking . That is, we look for cues from the other
person (their way of dressing, their nonverbal cues, the way
they talk, what they talk about, etc.). We put ourselves into
their shoes, so to speak. And, using these cues as our guide,
we try to respond to them in a way which will yield a productive,
harmonious, conflict-free social exchange. Depending on the cues
we perceive from the other person, we act just a little different
around each person with whom we have contact - and this is adaptive.
Our behaviors in the presence of our primary partner are different
from our behaviors at work. Similarly, we wouldn't talk to strangers
in the same way that we talk to our closest friends. (Some would
pose the question: “But
aren't we then playing games around different people?” Not
at all. The adaptive person can draw on a repertoire of different
sorts of behaviors, depending on the circumstances, without compromising
his or her authenticity. People who act the same in all situations
may have trouble reading appropriate cues or may lack a varied
set of behavioral responses. If conscious games are being played,
of course, then a serious problem exists in the interaction.)
Sometimes, however, the role-taking process breaks down - and
this may be due to a number of reasons. ! In the first place, the
other person may give conflicting cues so that it is difficult
to know just how to respond appropriately. For example, one would
hardly know how to respond to a person who seems friendly and approachable,
but who then proceeds to insult you.
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we may not be able to read cues accurately from the other
person. Does this person remind you of a childhood friend
who caused you unbearable anguish years ago? If so, our
responses toward this person may be colored by our own
hurt feelings, and this may sabotage an adaptive interaction. |
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sometimes there is simply an inexplicable conflict between
personalities. Just as we use the notion of “chemistry” to
explain why two people are attracted to each other, we
can use the same idea to explain why some people are unable
to tolerate each other. The “chemistry” is
just not right. |
Who Are the Difficult People?
Despite the fact that defining a “difficult
person” depends on our own tolerances and abilities to respond
adaptively to them, there are some people who have personality
characteristics which many people find disagreeable. Although
the following list is by no means exhaustive, here are some examples:
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who dominate conversations and never give anyone else a
chance to talk - or people who seem to have no interest
at all in what you have to say. Whenever you offer something
about yourself to the conversation, they ignore you, interrupt
you, and immediately turn it back to themselves. |
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who constantly berate themselves - and other people. Everything
they say about themselves, and others, carries a negative
message. |
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who don't seem to believe a word you say. They question
everything in a cynical way. |
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who seem intent on destroying themselves. They may abuse
alcohol, drugs, food - or their relationships. Substance
abusers tend to swing arbitrarily between liking you and
disliking you. They often lack the consistency which is
necessary to sustain a relationship. |
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who can't make a decision - and when there is any sort
of conflict, they hide out until they feel it's safe to
re-emerge. This behavior makes it difficult to work out
the normal conflicts inherent in many relationships. |
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who seem more interested in everybody else's business rather
than their own. Furthermore, some gossips seem to take
pleasure in fomenting trouble for other people. It is difficult
to reveal anything about yourself if you feel that it may
be taken out of context and spread to others. This leads
to guarded and superficial relationships. |
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who manipulate you into doing what they want. They seem
to thrive on control, and you sense that your opinions
or feelings don't count. |
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who lack consistency in their lives. We don't know if their
mood from day to day is going to be positive or negative
- so it takes a lot of work to read their cues and to keep
things on an even keel. |
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people who seem unable to do things for themselves. They
constantly ask for your help (when the best help may be
to allow them to contend with their own life challenges). |
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people who seem ready to explode at any moment. Their “jokes” may
carry an aggressive message and their passive-aggression
may lead to a lack of trust. |
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who feel terribly uncomfortable around others. When they
talk, you have the feeling that their words have been rehearsed
so that spontaneous interaction becomes impossible. |
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who lie all the time. You can see the inconsistencies in
their lies and everything on their part seems like a massive
and desperate cover-up. |
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who lavish you with praise, but you never have the feeling
that they truly care about you in a meaningful way. |
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expert on everything. Rather than talking, they lecture
- and they leave others with the feeling that their knowledge
is insignificant. They seem to be in a constant state of
competition. |
Methods for Dealing with Difficult People
Learning to handle ourselves effectively
with difficult people is one of life's expected challenges. Few
of us are immune from interactions with people who have the capacity
to make our lives miserable. Furthermore, it is not our place to
try to change other people (it is difficult enough to make changes
in our own lives!). If and when other people decide to come to
terms with their problems, they will. The basic clue is to look
within ourselves and to understand that it is we who experience
the difficulty . As responsible adults, we may feel the need to
understand the source of this felt difficulty and take productive
action to protect ourselves from its negative consequences. There
are a number of techniques which can be used to reduce the unfavorable
impact these difficult people may have on us.
Staying Centered
In the presence of a troublesome person,
we may feel uneasy or, if the circumstances bad enough, even
desperate. Although we may normally
be healthy and gentle people, interacting with a person who creates
discomfort can bring out behaviors in us which we hardly recognize
and which may bring us shame. It is important to never use violence
to deal with frustrations generated by another. Furthermore,
we should not internalize our anger to the degree that we engage
in self-destructive behavior. Believing that the other person “drove
me to drink” is never acceptable and simply serves to empower
their negative behavior.
When you are in the presence of a person
who is driving you to desperation, try some “self-talk.” Think
about your own strengths and your own capacities to like and
validate yourself. Stay focused within. Understand that it is
the other person who has the problem - but remember that it is
your responsibility to understand why you are unable to deal
with this person. Take some deep and relaxing breaths, and focus
on tolerating the discomfort. If you harbor obsessive negative
thoughts, tell yourself, “Stop!” You
can feel powerful within yourself by maintaining your integrity.
Depending on the nature of the other
person's behavior, there may be a time to take the assertive stance.
Assertiveness is not an expression
of anger, but rather an affirmation of your rights as an individual.
Assertive responses usually carry a logical, rational tone which
is not clouded with emotion - and they can be much more effective
than angrily lashing out at the other person. In response to the
dependent person's constant pleas for help, rather than being driven
to frustration, you might say, “I
would feel more comfortable having some equality in our friendship,
so I am going to ask you to call the restaurant yourself, just
as I did the last time we went out for dinner.” When a person
insults you, simply say, “I don't deserve an insult, and
I am going to ask you not to say this type of thing to me again.” People
often appreciate this honest and constructive feedback - and they
may appreciate you for having the courage to bring the issue up
in a direct way.
Sometimes, on the other hand, an angry
tone in our voice is the most effective way of responding to difficult
behavior. If the person does not
respond to assertiveness, an honest verbal expression of our deserved
anger may be an effective tool which conveys our frustration clearly.
Our anger, of course, should never be expressed in any way other
than verbally - and never physically. It should be concise and
to the point, addressing only the issue at hand (not a litany of
past injustices). Some people can hear loud and clear messages
only when emotions are involved. “I asked you before not
to gossip about me, yet it has happened again. I am angry about
this! I don't want this to ever happen again!”
Respond to the Underlying Message
Most people with behavioral difficulties
have good intentions, and they may not know that their behavior
causes you discomfort or, if they are aware of this, how to resolve
the problem. They keep responding
to others with the same behavior and run into the same difficulties
with people repeatedly. You might try “decoding” their behavior. In other words,
try to understand their underlying needs. And rather than reacting
to their surface words and actions, respond to these basic needs
instead. For example, if a person is controlling or manipulative,
understand that they probably feel very insecure within - so assure
them in order to alleviate their insecurity (“Everything
is all right - you can count on me”). If a person lies all
the time, it is probably because of negative self-esteem and trust
issues (tell them: “You have such good qualities that I genuinely
like, and I want you to know that I will be here for you consistently
and honestly”). Your responses will probably not solve their
deeper issues, but at least they may set a positive tone for your
future interactions with this person.
Terminating the Relationship
If nothing else works, there may come
a time for a relationship to end. This can be a difficult option
if the other person is a family member or significant friend. It
takes courage to end the poisonous nature of some of our relationships,
and dealing with the loss will be part of the process. Sometimes
this is what we need to do in order to preserve our own sense of
We Can Turn Our Difficulties into Challenges
Imagine a life in which everything always goes your way. There
are no problems, no money worries, no health concerns - and no
difficult people. There is no job insecurity, no traffic jams,
and everybody treats you as if you were wonderful. You can eat
what you want and buy anything you desire. Make a wish and it will
come true.
Many of us - and this is unfortunate - long for this state of
being. Some people make enough money to retire early just so they
can have a life that resembles this dream-like situation. Others
resort to drugs or alcohol to create the illusion that they live
a hassle-free life. But there is a problem when we achieve this
state - which, in truth, none of us ever do. We never grow. We
are never fully alive. We are never challenged. Difficulties are
an essential part of life. They give us opportunities to learn,
to adapt and to achieve wisdom.
In a sense, we should be grateful that there
are difficult people in our lives. Dealing with difficult people
forces us to feel discomfort, to look within and then to learn
to alleviate it by acquiring a more diverse and adaptive set of
Try this exercise. Write
down a list of the difficult people in your life. Just their
names will do. And beside each name, jot down four or five adjectives
which describe why the person is difficult for you. One item
in your list of people might look like this - “John:
self-centered, controlling, manipulative, untrustworthy.” When
the list is finished, go through all of the adjectives and see
if there are any that repeat themselves. For example, you might
see the word “controlling” frequently in your list.
And now you have learned something about yourself - you need to
learn how to handle controlling people! And what a splendid challenge
this is. Working on this with a professional therapist can yield
a world of new insights and clues for solving problems more flexibly.
So, when a difficult person drives
you to distraction, try thinking about the situation in a different
way. Rather than moving into
negativity and feeling overwhelmed by your inability to deal
with the person, just say to yourself, “Thanks
for the challenge - and I'll take it from here.”
Resources is a Leadership Consulting, Training and Executive Coaching
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Intelligent People; Emotional Intelligence-Based Interviewing and
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Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
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