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Coping With the Holiday Blues
For many people the holidays are the
saddest time of the year. The
holidays are meant to be a time of joy, warmth, excitement and
anticipation of the year ahead, and for some people this is indeed
the case. But many of us live most of the time with unresolved
conflicts, loneliness, a need to be understood and loved—and
the holidays only serve to exacerbate our private feelings of quiet
desperation. Some of the problems and emotions, which we hold in
check during most months of the year, tend to surface during the
In our society we define the holidays
as the time of year when everyone should be happy, b usy,
energetic, spending money for those they love, and sharing wonderful
feelings. It's the time for family togetherness and for friends
to share in the spirit of the season. We tend to idealize this
time of the year, and it is not hard to understand why—we
are constantly bombarded with messages of joy and celebration
through advertising (businesses usually have a higher sales volume
this time of the year than any other). And our religious and
cultural traditions also tell us that this is the season for
love, togetherness, celebration, and positive personal and interpersonal
feelings. From all around the message comes to us loud and clear:
Be Happy!
But does this all-pervasive message lift us to a happy place?
Sometimes it does. Just as often, though, the message serves as
a painful reminder that things may not be all that they should
be in our lives. Rather than yielding to the positive spirit of
the season, we may experience a nagging feeling that things are
not right, that this is just a cover-up that we ultimately feel
lonely deep down inside. We may even see hypocrisy around us ...
and resent it. Unfortunately, many face these more negative feelings
about the holidays in silence. It may be difficult to find anyone
who is willing to listen to this darker view of the holidays, or
to validate it. (The irony in this situation, however, is that
if we were able to express our negativity about the holidays more
freely and with the support of others, we would not feel so alone
and the holidays could indeed be a time of interpersonal warmth
and joy!)
The holidays put a strain on most people. The financial
burden of
the holidays is more than many people can bear—you might
find yourself spending more money than you should, and this in
itself can cast an unsettling pall on the season. ( Hint : look
closely at your budget and weigh your expenditures against the
real value of the gifts. You may discover that making some inexpensive
but personally meaningful handmade gifts for other people may come
closer to the true spirit of the holidays.) In addition, the holidays
can create a physical burden.
We tend to increase our stress levels when we deal with crowds
of shoppers under pressure, when everything has to be done by a
certain date, when we have to attend more than the normal number
of social events, when we drink, when we don't take the time to
exercise, and when we overeat. All of these factors can make us
feel out of control, helpless, and certainly down.
A large part of the burden of the holidays is linked to emotional
factors . We tend to expect too much from the holidays: an idealized
celebration, just the right gifts, a perfect meal, warmth and love
from our family and friends, and hearing from long-lost friends.
We set ourselves up for disappointment when our expectations are
unrealistic. And many families have unresolved conflicts, which
can become more apparent during the holidays, mainly because this
is when families often spend time together. Misunderstandings and
conflict can ignite quickly under the pressure of the holidays,
especially when family members and friends fail to communicate
their expectations adequately. The holidays can be especially difficult
when we don't adapt to change: sometimes the holidays remind us
of people who are no longer present in our lives, and this can
lead to great loneliness and sadness ... which are magnified all
the more when we see others having a good time.
The holiday blues come upon us when
we feel overwhelmed and helpless to do anything about it. We
feel that there is so much to do, so many people to deal with,
so many deadlines, so much money to spend—and
there are just not enough resources to accomplish everything. We
feel that we should be happy and excited, yet there is this nagging
knowledge that the pressures on us are just too great and that
our expectations will not be realized. We long for fulfillment,
especially at this time of the year. We need comfort, nurturance,
and belonging. Many of us live with our frustrations much of the
time, most of the year, and they stay generally under control—but
the holidays seem to make everything large. The holiday blues are
a normal and expected response to stress, loss, unresolved conflicts,
and unfulfilled promises ... experiences most of us have. The blues
during the holidays can serve as a warning that things may not
always be right in our lives and that we need to examine the way
we live. In that sense the holiday blues can actually be a wonderful
gift, spurring us to take control over the important personal issues
which deserve our real attention.
Rather than stressing out this holiday season,
vow to make things easy on yourself so that you can capture the
real joy and happiness that can come at this time of the year.
If you start to feel down in the dumps, it helps to accept the
fact that this is part of the human condition. The holidays accentuate
many feelings, both positive and negative. Comfort yourself and
share your private feelings with people who will understand and
support you. This holiday season open yourself to the love that
is within you and all around you. Celebrate life and celebrate
it well.
Dysthymia, Depression and the Holiday Blues
Many people experience the holiday blues.
This is usually a temporary condition
and should be distinguished from depression,which
is longer lasting and usually has more serious symptoms. Depression
is persistent and usually interferes with one's work, friendships,
family life and physical health. Depressive episodes usually last
several months and they can recur throughout a person's lifetime.
Common symptoms of depression include despair, guilt, unending
misery, low self-esteem, self-destructive thoughts, irritability,
a feeling of helplessness, difficulty in concentrating and making
decisions, loss of interest in life and an inability to experience
pleasure. There may also be physical symptoms such as fatigue,
loss of appetite, insomnia (or sometimes overeating and oversleeping),
as well as pain and other bodily complaints.
Dysthymia , or low-level depression, has
many characteristics in common with the holiday blues, although,
again, the holiday blues are temporary. Dysthymia by definition
is an overwhelming but chronic state of depression, which lasts
at least two years. It is less disabling than major depression
so that many of those with dysthymia are able to hold jobs and
maintain an adequate interpersonal life. It occurs twice as often
in women as it does in men and symptoms usually first appear in
adolescence or young adulthood. Although the symptoms are usually
not as severe as those of major depression, it is a serious condition
and, if not treated, can actually lead to major depression. In
the absence of any other cause for these symptoms, the dysthymic
person is one who has had at least two of the following symptoms
for two years:
• Poor appetite or overeating
• Insomnia or oversleeping
• Fatigue or low energy
• Low self-esteem
• Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
• Feelings of hopelessness.
The holiday blues can be characterized
by any of these symptoms of dysthymia, but they are usually limited
to the holiday season. The holiday
blues also may bring on irritability, angry blowups, excessive
brooding, difficulty finding pleasure in life, guilt, and avoiding
other people. Whenever you find yourself feeling down and rotten
over the holiday season, you may well have the holiday blues.
The person with dysthymia is of course more prone to experiencing
these symptoms during the holidays, but the holiday blues can
hit anyone—dysthymic,
depressed, or not.
Fortunately, and the news is good,
all three of these conditions are treatable with psychotherapy
and other therapeutic modalities. Gaining
insight into your life circumstances, talking to a supportive
and objective listener, gaining the understanding of other people,
changing the way you think about and deal with your problems,
communicating differently, moving from despair to finding meaning
in your life—all
of these things can happen in therapy, and the sufferer can gain
relief from these debilitating feelings (and this may be the greatest
gift of all for the holiday season).
How to Keep the Blues Away And Have a Joyful Holiday . . .
Here are some strategies you can adopt to keep the blues at bay
and to make the most of the holiday season:
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realistic. The picture-perfect holiday gathering is usually
just that: a picture that we see often in the media. However,
it does not characterize most families. Try to keep your
expectations of the holidays in line with the true circumstances
of your life, and celebrate the joy of what you have rather
than the unattainable joy of what you wish you had. Holiday
traditions must change over the years, just as the participants
change: clinging to old expectations and trying to recreate
old feelings which are now part of your memories can contribute
to a blue holiday. On the other hand, you should continue
to adhere to those old rituals which are realistic. |
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acknowledge your feelings. If you are feeling down at the
time of the holidays, give yourself permission to bring
these feelings into your life. It's natural to feel the
loss of, and to grieve, those people and experiences that
are no longer a part of your life. Allow yourself to see
the holidays as a time of reflection as well as a celebration
of what your life is now. Some people even like to make
a list or keep a journal of all they are grateful for. |
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Out Support. If you feel isolated and lonely, seek out
support from friends, the community, religious organizations,
therapy, and other sources that can provide you with companionship
and understanding during the holidays. You may even want
to volunteer your services at a religious or community
function. This is an effective way of involving yourself
in activities which will brighten your holidays and allow
you to meet new people. |
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Your Conflicts Aside. Acceptance can be a powerful ally.
Rather than frustrating yourself with the hope that your
differences with family members and friends will go away
during the holidays, try to accept people just as they
are. Leave your old grievances and discussions about unresolved
feelings aside and save them for a more appropriate time.
The holidays are stressful enough without introducing even
more conflict into the situation. |
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a Calendar and Make a Schedule. Make a list of everything
you need to do for the holidays and then assign certain
dates for accomplishing them. Don't leave it all till the
end and don't plan to do more than you can comfortably
accomplish. And be sure to schedule time for comfort, relaxation
and solitude. This will provide you with a feeling of control
over the situation and the feeling that things are not
hopeless. It helps, too, to go over your budget and not
to spend more than you can realistically afford. |
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Healthy. You are far less likely to feel overwhelmed during
the holidays if you exercise and get your normal amount
of sleep. Don't feel pressured to eat and drink too much
just because it's the holiday season. Take care of yourself
and make the holidays a true celebration of life and all
it can be. |
Do the Holidays Make You SAD?
Many people become sluggish and gloomy as the days of winter approach,
a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD). This may
have nothing to do with the holidays at all, although they do coincidentally
occur at this time of the year. The prevalence of SAD increases
the further north one lives: about 2% of the population of Florida
suffers from SAD, while the incidence is about 9% in Alaska. Seasonal
depression seems to be related to the length of the days and changes
in the availability of sunlight. Changes occur in our bodies as
a response to the shortening of the days, somewhat in the same
way that some animals go into hibernation in the winter. More than
three-fourths of those who suffer from SAD are women, and most
are in their twenties, thirties and forties.
SAD is a serious depression that recurs each
year at the same time. It starts in the fall and ends in the spring.
The symptoms are similar to those of major depression: lethargy,
anxiety, sadness, irritability, concentration difficulty, withdrawal
into solitude, and loss of interest in life. Some people with SAD
may feel self-destructive. Also many experience an excessive need
to sleep, increased appetite and a weight gain of as much as ten
Fortunately, this very debilitating condition
can be treated. Please call to make an appointment for a consultation.
Nobody deserves a SAD holiday.
A Wellness Tip: If
you have a history of SAD, in addition to therapy, plan ahead
to remember to keep more lights on in your home and workplace.
Replace standard light bulbs with “full spectrum” bulbs
which are usually available at your local lighting or hardware
Wishing you joy and a celebration of the
wonders of life this holiday season.
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Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
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