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RETENTION QUIZ...for leaders
How to Keep Workers:
In most organizations, the CEO sets the tone for how people are
treated. Are people valued for what they do on a frequent, individual
basis or are they unappreciated?
Managers need to be held accountable for building a retention
culture in their teams and in their departments. Research from
the Saratoga Institute shows that 50 percent of work-life satisfaction
is determined by the relationship a worker has with his or her
boss. Self-managed, agile organizations create work environments
where people can continuously learn and make decisions.
Employers don't have enough competent people to get the work done.
Retaining the right people is a strategic imperative. Managers
and employing organizations need to understand what good people
want and meet those expectations. Our country's diverse workers
want to control their own destiny, and make significant contributions
to society through their work.
Research demonstrates that most people shift their loyalties to
a new employer because of non-monetary reasons. Good people leave
their jobs for the following typical reasons:
1 |
company mission, vision, and values seem incongruent with
their experience, |
2 |
don't communicate how the employee is valued, |
3 |
are inadequate resources and information, |
4 |
opportunity for advancement, and |
5 |
are concerned about compensation issues. |
This quiz can be used for a self-appraisal, or to obtain feedback about
how other people view your behavior.
The profile that you and others
create in completing this quiz can give you insight into what
helps and hinders your employee retention efforts.
The Scale: 5(always), 4(often), 3(sometimes), 2 (rarely), 1(never)
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